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Celine Murphy O'KeeffeCeline Murphy O'Keeffe

Mind Your MindMind Your Mind


Celine Murphy O'Keeffe


Systemic,  Cognitive Behavioural & Schema Focused Psychotherapist

MSc., Psychotherapy, H. Dip. C.B.T., Cert. S. F.T.


In 2016, I established 'Mind Your Mind', in response to a burgeoning need for direct access to mental health assessment and treatment.

Having spent 20 years working within the adult mental health sector and studied various models of psychotherapy, I have extensive experience supporting clients with a broad range of problems, such as:

Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Trauma, Self-Esteem Issues, Stress Management,  Personality Disorders, Relationship Issues and more complex presentations. 

Working with all age groups, I am committed to working collaboratively with my clients to assist them in gaining an understanding of their presentation  and support them in making the changes that allow them enjoy a healthier and more contented life.





Julie KellyJulie Kelly

Julie Kelly


Cognitive Behavioural & Acceptance  Commitment Psychotherapist

BNS., PG Dip. C.B.T., Cert. Mindfulness & A.C.T. 


I have extensive experience working in the adult mental health sector., having worked within in-patient and day-patient settings.  I offer one to one and group psychotherapy, using a mindfulness based C.B.T. and A.C.T. approach.  My areas of specialism are Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Self Esteem issues, Anger and Stress.